今天參加了微軟一年一度的技術盛會 Tech Days(以前叫 Tech Ed),先整理一下自己聽到的重點,等一下還要再連回公司趕進度。^^

早下的 KeyNote 中,由 Davis 開場後,便由開發工具推廣處的五虎將輪翻上陣,NC、Tom、Moli、Robert和旺旺大大。

用生活中最簡單的例子,來展示微軟在雲端運算的完整的解決方案,公有雲(Public Cloud)、私有雲(Private Cloud)結合各個裝置:手機、電腦、電視、XBOX等等




1. SQL Server 和虛擬化結合作資料庫整併


Running SQL Server 2008 in a Hyper-V Environment - Best Practices and Performance Recommendations


2. ASP.NET MVC 開發網站

ASP.NET MVC 提供我們另一個選擇,它與傳統的 Web Form 各有優缺點。


3. Windows 7 多點觸碰開發展

在 WPF 4.0 中已完全支援,許多控制項預設就有相關的屬性可以使用。長期來看,將成為主流。短期內,仍需要更多的應用及推廣。



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SQL Server® 2008 R2 expands on the value delivered in SQL Server® 2008 to help your organization scale with confidence and improve IT and developer efficiency with new and enhanced tools for application and multi-server management, master data services and complex event processing. The new Self Service BI capabilities will empower end users to access, integrate, analyze and share information using business intelligence tools they already know - Microsoft® Office.

The Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 R2 August Community Technology Preview (CTP) includes Application and Multi-server Management which will help organizations manage database environments efficiently at scale with increased visibility and control across the application lifecycle. Also included is Report Builder 3.0 with support for geospatial visualization (mapping, routing, custom shapes) which can help produce new insights and discoveries well beyond what can be achieved with standard tables and charts when geospatial data is combined with business information. Microsoft® SQL Server® StreamInsight will also be made available for Community Technology Preview in the coming weeks. This new complex event processing technology will help businesses derive better insights by correlating event streams from multiple sources with near-zero latency.

Key features in this CTP release include:

  • A new Control Point Explorer for central multi-instance and application utilization management.
  • Built-in wizards to help you quickly set up and enroll instances and Data-Tier Application components into central management.
  • Dashboard viewpoints for quick insight into application and instance utilization.
  • Report Builder 3.0 with new support for geospatial visualization.
  • StreamInsight core technology engine.





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MSDN 訂閱已提供 Windows 2008 R2 RTM 囉.



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又到了夜深人靜的時候,今天來分享一下雲端運算(Cloud Computing) 與 外包 (Outsourcing)。





如微軟即將自家的 Windows Server 加上 Exchange + SQL + ISA Server 等包裝成一個 Small Businse Server。



或是找 SOHO,每個月固定給幾千元,SOHO 則每個星期找一天到公司檢查伺服器的情況,或是協助解決一些有關電腦方面。





想一想。如果今天微軟提供 Windows Server 或 Windows 7 的租用服務,讓使用者可以自行決定要啟用幾個服務 ,租多久就負多少錢,不要用立即停止服務。






等於幾乎把整個 IT 的管理外包給一家廠商,它直接提供運算能力及軟體服務。







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前一陣子為了要安裝一些 x64 版的應用程式來測試,所以便將筆記電型電腦安裝 Windows Server 2008 R2 RC x64 版,沒想到安裝完後,它可以抓到所有的硬體來使用,包含無線網卡,而且效能真是不錯。


筆者使用過 Virtual PC 2004、Virtual PC 2007、Virtual PC 2007 SP1、Windows Virutal PC等,目前覺得 Hyper-V 有很多新的功能不錯,像是 Snapshot 或是直接把 Snapshot 匯出成另一個新的 Virtual Machine等等。


用了一陣子後,想說有沒有比透過 Hyper-V 的管理畫面來啟啟 Virtual Machine 更快的方法?

PowerShell -對,就是 PowerShell。

將下列的指令存檔為 HyperV.ps1,


#override the default security behavior of the PowerShell engine
#Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Param($operation, $servername)

if ($operation -eq 'start')
    $stateId = 2
elseif ($operation -eq 'save')
    $stateId = (32769)
{   "Unknown operation"
    $x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")

#Get a handle to the VM object
$VM = get-wmiobject -namespace root\virtualization -class Msvm_Computersystem -filter "ElementName = '$servername'"

#Set the state
$status = $VM.RequestStateChange($stateId)

#Are we already in this state?
if ($status.ReturnValue -eq 32775)
    "Already in this state"
    $x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")

#Wait for use to press key if it did not work successfully
#0 = Success; 4096 = Job Running
elseif (($status.ReturnValue -ne 0) -and ($status.ReturnValue -ne 4096))
    $x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")


開啟 PowerShell,

執行 Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

若執行 .\HyperV.ps1 start WIN7PROx64  => 啟動 WIN7PROx86 這個 Virtual Machine

若執行 .\HyperV.ps1 save WIN7PROx64  => 存儲 WIN7PROx86 這個 Virtual Machine


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Open XML Converter allows you to convert Open XML files that were created in Office 2008 for Mac or Office 2007 for Windows so that you can open, edit, and save them in earlier versions of Office for Mac. Open XML Converter can convert Word documents, Excel workbooks, and PowerPoint presentations that are in the Open XML Format so that you can open and edit the files in Office 2004 for Mac and Office v. X for Mac. You can choose to convert and open one file, or convert a large number of files. For more information about this update, please visit the Microsoft Web site.




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This document addresses late-breaking issues and information about the Windows Server® 2008 R2 operating system that are less critical than those reported in Release Notes: Important Issues in Windows Server 2008 R2 (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=160340). It serves as an overflow from that document if the number of issues discovered becomes excessive for one document. Currently, all known issues are reported in the release notes.


For information about by-design changes, new features, and fixes in this release, see Other Changes in Windows Server 2008 R2 (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=160339).


For information about important steps to take before installing this release, including issues that you may need to work around, see Installing Windows Server 2008 R2 (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=160341). Unless otherwise specified, these notes apply to all editions and installation options of Windows Server 2008 R2.


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The Windows Driver Kit (WDK) Version 7.0.0 contains the tools, code samples, documentation, compilers, headers and libraries with which software developers create drivers for Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2003. This development kit does not contain device drivers for your personal computer. If you are looking for drivers for your personal computer, go to Microsoft Update for downloads, or visit Windows Hardware Help for more information to find device drivers and hardware.

A working knowledge of C programming is necessary to use this kit to develop Windows drivers. For additional information about doing driver development, please go to Windows Developer Hardware Central.



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The Windows 7 Training Kit for Developers includes presentations, hands-on labs, and demos. This content is based on Windows 7 RTM and it is designed to help you learn how to build applications that are compatible with and shine on Windows 7 by utilizing key Windows 7 features such as:

    •     Taskbar
  •     Libraries
  •     Multi Touch
  •     Sensors and Location
  •     Ribbon
  •     Trigger Start Services
  •     Instrumentation and ETW
  •     Application Compatability
And Application Compatibility topics such as:
  •     Version Checking
  •     UAC Data Redirection
  •     Session 0 Isolation
  •     Installer Detection
  •     User Interface Privilege Isolation
  •     High DPI



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This document addresses late-breaking issues and information about the Windows® 7 operating system that are less critical than those reported in Release Notes: Important Issues in Windows 7 (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=150297). It serves as an overflow from that document if the number of issues discovered becomes excessive for one document. At this time, all known issues are reported in the release notes.


For a summary of updates, fixes, and by-design changes in Windows 7, see Miscellaneous Changes in Windows 7 (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=160338).



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