目前分類:SQL 2008 (8)

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Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express is a powerful and reliable data management system that delivers a rich set of features, data protection, and performance for embedded application clients, light Web applications, and local data stores. Designed for easy deployment and rapid prototyping, SQL Server 2008 Express is available at no cost, and you are free to redistribute it with applications. It is designed to integrate seamlessly with your other server infrastructure investments. For more information about SQL Server Express, including other versons and downloadable components now available, see Microsoft SQL Server Express.

For information about the different editions of SQL Server 2008, see the Editions page.

For more information about SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1, please review the Release Notes.




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使用 PHP 內建的 mssql_* 函式存取 SQL Server 資料庫常有許多問題,可能是中文變亂碼或不支援某些資料型別,尤其只支援到 SQL Server 6.5 (MSSQL Library 7.0 ),無法善用 SQL Server 2005/2008 的新功能。


為了讓 PHP 環境能有更好的 SQL Server 存取方式,微軟在 2007 年開始發展 SQL Server 2005 Driver for PHP ,這是 PHP 5 的擴充程式(extension ),能讓 PHP 程式讀寫 SQL Server 裡的資料。值得一提的是,微軟不僅公開釋出 SQL Server 2005 Driver for PHP 的二進位檔,也以 Microsoft Publlic License (Ms-PL )釋出 SQL Server 2005 Driver for PHP 原始程式碼。





Hope this helps.

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SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 (SP1) 現在已可供使用。

  • 現在您可以僅解除安裝 Service Pack (不需要移除整個執行個體)
  • 報表產生器 2.0 Click Once 功能

如需有關 SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 的詳細資訊,請檢閱版本資訊



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因為 Microsoft 對互通性所持續做出的承諾,Microsoft 發行了新 Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) 驅動程式。SQL Server JDBC Driver 2.0 下載提供給所有的 SQL Server 使用者,不收取任何額外的費用,並可提供從任何 Java 應用程式、應用程式伺服器或已啟用 Java 的 Applet 中存取 SQL Server 2000、SQL Server 2005 及 SQL Server 2008 的功能。這是 Type 4 JDBC 驅動程式,它可以透過 Java Platform (Enterprise Edition 5) 提供的標準 JDBC 應用程式介面 (API) 來提供資料庫連接。

這個版本的 JDBC Driver 符合 JDBC 4.0 標準,並可在 Java Development Kit (JDK) 5.0 版或更新版本上執行。已經針對所有主要的應用程式伺服器做過測試,包括 BEA WebLogic、IBM WebSphere 及 JBoss。




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The CTP version of SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 (SP1) is now available. You can use these packages to upgrade any SQL Server 2008 edition.

These packages have been made available for general testing purposes only. Do not deploy the CTP software in production. Peer-to-peer support is available in the SQL Server 2008 forums.

Note: To obtain SQL Server 2008 Express SP1 CTP, Go Here.






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The CTP version of SQL Server 2008 Express Edition Service Pack 1 (SP1) is now available.

Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express is a powerful and reliable data management system that delivers a rich set of features, data protection, and performance for embedded application clients, light Web applications, and local data stores. Designed for easy deployment and rapid prototyping, SQL Server 2008 Express is available at no cost, and you are free to redistribute it with applications. It is designed to integrate seamlessly with your other server infrastructure investments. For more information about SQL Server Express, including other versons and downloadable components now available, see Microsoft SQL Server Express.

For information about the different editions of SQL Server 2008, see the Editions page. These packages have been made available for general testing purposes only. Do not deploy the CTP software in production. Peer-to-peer support is available in the SQL Server 2008 forums.






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由圖中可以更清楚了解 SQL Server 的 System Views 的關聯。



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目前英文版本已更新到 2009 年 1 月份了,中文的部份還在 2008 年 8 月份。





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