還在擔心放在雲端的資料會被駭?害怕雲端的電子郵件內容被偷窺、個人隱私權被侵犯嗎?微軟為具體實踐提供客戶雲端資料安全與隱私權保護的承諾,繼去(2011)年11月成為全球第一家通過ISO 27001資訊安全管理系統標準認證的雲端服務業者後,再進一步揭露「Windows Azure和Office 365資安與隱私權白皮書」,公開並詳細回應雲端資安聯盟(Cloud Security Alliance, CSA)針對資安與隱私權保護所提出的雲端控管矩陣(Cloud Control Matrix, CCM)之具體作法。想進一步了解微軟對於資安與隱私權保護的具體程序可,下載白皮書(http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=26647)
目前分類:Azure (31)
- Apr 02 Mon 2012 16:10
微軟公布Windows Azure和Office 365資安與隱私權白皮書
- Mar 26 Mon 2012 09:57
如何建置 Windows Azure SDK + VS 10 + VS 11 的開發環境
用同一個開發環境,同時開發 Win 8 Metro Style App + Windows Azure Platform Services。
Installing the Windows Azure SDK for .NET on a Developer Machine with Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Studio 11
- Mar 14 Wed 2012 04:01
Windows Azure Platform 所提供的服務
- Sep 17 Fri 2010 00:06
Data Governance - Moving to Cloud Computing
This paper is the fifth in a series titled "A Guide to Data Governance for Privacy, Confidentiality, and Compliance." In it, we examine how data governance challenges change when organizations opt to use cloud-based services, and how the framework and techniques presented in the whitepaper and webcast ‘Managing Technological Risk’ can be applied in the new context.
- Feb 03 Wed 2010 23:16
Windows Azure Software Development Kit (February 2010)
- Jan 18 Mon 2010 21:22
從 iPhone 看雲中的筆記本(One Note)
這個範例是將自己的電腦中的 One Note 的資訊存儲在 Azure 中,然後借由 Safari 來瀏覽其內容.
再加上 HTML 5 將提供更多功能(如:離線功能),也有助於方便開發跨平台、跨裝置的應用程式.
- Jan 11 Mon 2010 21:46
Windows Azure 平台現況
Windows Azure 平台目前提供:
- Windows Azure: operating system as a service
- Microsoft SQL Azure: fully relational database in the cloud
- Windows Azure platform AppFabric: makes it simpler to connect cloud and on-premises applications
Windows Azure is now commercially available. The services will remain free to evaluate through January 2010. We will begin charging customers on February 1st, 2010.
- Jan 04 Mon 2010 00:19
Windows Azure Platform Training Kit - December Update
The Azure Services Training Kit includes a comprehensive set of technical content including hands-on labs, presentations, and demos that are designed to help you learn how to use the Windows Azure platform including: Windows Azure, SQL Azure and AppFabric. The December release includes new and updated labs in addition to information about Microsoft Codename “Dallas”. This training kit contains the following content:
Hands On Labs
- Introduction to Windows Azure
- Exploring Windows Azure Storage
- Deploying and Monitoring Applications in Windows Azure
- Windows Azure: Worker Role Communication
- Federated Authentication in a Windows Azure Web Role Application
- Building ASP.NET Web Form Applications with Windows Azure
- Introduction to SQL Azure
- Migrating Databases to SQL Azure
- SQL Azure: Tips and Tricks
- Intro to Dallas
- Introduction to the .NET Service Bus
- Introduction to the .NET Access Control Service
- Service Remoting with Service Bus
- Eventing with the Service Bus
Presentations and Videos
- Windows Azure Platform Overview (C9 - VIDEO)
- What is Windows Azure? (C9 - VIDEO)
- Windows Azure Storage Overview (C9 - VIDEO)
- Deploying Applications on Windows Azure (C9 - VIDEO)
- Windows Azure Compute (C9 - VIDEO)
- Introduction to Windows Azure (PPTX)
- Building Services with Windows Azure (PPTX)
- What is SQL Azure? (C9 - VIDEO)
- Introduction to SQL Azure (PPTX)
- Building Applications using SQL Azure (PPTX)
- Scaling out with SQL Azure
- What is Microsoft Codename "Dallas"? (C9 - VIDEO)
- Introduction to Microsoft Codename "Dallas" (PPTX)
- What is the Access Control Service (C9 - VIDEO)
- Introduction to the Service Bus (C9 - VIDEO)
- Deploying Windows Azure Services
- Hello Windows Azure
- Windows Azure Guestbook Demo
- Windows Azure Logging and Configuration Demo
- Windows Azure using Blobs Demo
- Windows Azure Worker Role Demo
- Windows Azure Using Queues Demo
- Windows Azure Using Tables Demo
- Preparing your SQL Azure Account
- Connecting to SQL Azure
- Managing Logins and Security in SQL Azure
- Creating Objects in SQL Azure
- Migrating a Database Schema to SQL Azure
- Moving Data Into and Out Of SQL Azure using SSIS
- Building a Simple SQL Azure App
- Scaling Out SQL Azure with Database Sharding
- AppFabric Service Bus Direct Connection Demo
- AppFabric Service Bus webHttpRelayBinding
- AppFabric Service Bus Publish and Subscribe
- AppFabric Service Bus Service Registry
- AppFabric Service Bus NetOneWayRelayBinding
Samples and Tools
- Windows Azure MMC
- Windows Azure Service Management CmdLets
- PhluffyFotos
- Dec 24 Thu 2009 21:37
· 微軟雲端策略與發展 (pdf 檔 4.47MB)
· 微軟線上服務 (pdf 檔 8.9MB)
· Windows Azure Platform 概述 (pdf 檔 1.25MB) <= 若對 Windows Azure Platform 有趣興,一定要看一下這一份
· 搶先揭露微軟私有雲解決方案全貌 (pdf 檔 3.93MB)
· 微軟動態資料中心工具建置企業私有雲 (pdf 檔 1.95MB)
· 高彈性高安全性虛擬化桌面應用 (pdf 檔 2.04MB)
記得一年多前開始接觸 Windows Azure Platform 時,它才剛開始對外公開,經過一年多,它真的在各方面都進步很多,開發的 Product Team 也將大家提供的建議記錄下來並改進.給他們拍手一下.
- Dec 22 Tue 2009 23:08
Windows Azure platform AppFabric SDK V1.0
This SDK includes API libraries and samples for building connected applications with the .NET platform. It spans the entire spectrum of today’s Internet applications – from rich connected applications with advanced connectivity requirements to Web-style applications that use simple protocols such as HTTP to communicate with the broadest possible range of clients.
- Nov 16 Mon 2009 09:13
The November version of the Windows Azure SDK and Tools was just released.
這一版加入了有關除錯及 Logging 及 直接管理 Virtual Machine 的功能。
Download them here.
New in the November 2009 SDK:
1. Windows Azure Service Runtime managed library: The latest version of the Service Hosting Runtime API includes support for enhanced communication between roles and for runtime notification of service configuration changes. Direct communication between role instances enables new application development scenarios, including applications that distribute state across role instances. Service configuration changes include an increase or decrease in the number of request role instances and changes to the values of configuration settings.
2. Windows Azure Diagnostics managed library: The new Diagnostics API enables logging using standard .NET APIs. The Diagnostics API provides built-in support for collecting standard logs and diagnostic information, including the Windows Azure logs, IIS 7.0 logs, Failed Request logs, crash dumps, Windows Event logs, performance counters, and custom logs.
3. Certificate Management: Enhanced support for SSL certificates in Windows Azure and in the Windows Azure SDK enables the secure automated deployment of certificates to services hosted on Windows Azure.
4. Variable-size Virtual Machines : Developers may now specify the size of the virtual machine to which they wish to deploy a role instance, based on the role's resource requirements. The size of the VM determines the number of CPU cores, the memory capacity, and the local file system size allocated to a running instance.
5. External endpoints for worker roles. A worker role may now define any number of external endpoints for HTTP, HTTPS, and TCP, and specify the desired port number for any external endpoint.
6. Persistent local resource storage: Developers can now choose to persist data written to a local storage resource at runtime when the role is recycled.
7. Windows Azure Storage Client managed library: The Storage Client library provides a .NET API for accessing the Windows Azure storage services.
8. Improved Development Storage: Development storage provides a high-fidelity simulation of the Windows Azure storage services in the cloud. Tables can now be created dynamically in the development storage Table service and are no longer required to be generated in advance.
9. Updated samples: The samples included with the Windows Azure SDK have been updated to demonstrate new features. The samples now include both C# and Visual Basic versions.
- Oct 12 Mon 2009 21:35
Windows Azure 新版的管理畫面
- Sep 22 Tue 2009 23:12
Microsoft Tech Days 2009 - Day 1
今天參加了微軟一年一度的技術盛會 Tech Days(以前叫 Tech Ed),先整理一下自己聽到的重點,等一下還要再連回公司趕進度。^^
早下的 KeyNote 中,由 Davis 開場後,便由開發工具推廣處的五虎將輪翻上陣,NC、Tom、Moli、Robert和旺旺大大。
用生活中最簡單的例子,來展示微軟在雲端運算的完整的解決方案,公有雲(Public Cloud)、私有雲(Private Cloud)結合各個裝置:手機、電腦、電視、XBOX等等
1. SQL Server 和虛擬化結合作資料庫整併
Running SQL Server 2008 in a Hyper-V Environment - Best Practices and Performance Recommendations
2. ASP.NET MVC 開發網站
ASP.NET MVC 提供我們另一個選擇,它與傳統的 Web Form 各有優缺點。
3. Windows 7 多點觸碰開發展
在 WPF 4.0 中已完全支援,許多控制項預設就有相關的屬性可以使用。長期來看,將成為主流。短期內,仍需要更多的應用及推廣。
- Aug 15 Sat 2009 01:01
雲端運算 與 外包
又到了夜深人靜的時候,今天來分享一下雲端運算(Cloud Computing) 與 外包 (Outsourcing)。
如微軟即將自家的 Windows Server 加上 Exchange + SQL + ISA Server 等包裝成一個 Small Businse Server。
或是找 SOHO,每個月固定給幾千元,SOHO 則每個星期找一天到公司檢查伺服器的情況,或是協助解決一些有關電腦方面。
想一想。如果今天微軟提供 Windows Server 或 Windows 7 的租用服務,讓使用者可以自行決定要啟用幾個服務 ,租多久就負多少錢,不要用立即停止服務。
等於幾乎把整個 IT 的管理外包給一家廠商,它直接提供運算能力及軟體服務。
- Jul 24 Fri 2009 22:14
Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio July 2009 CTP
Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio extend Visual Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010 Beta 1 to enable the creation, building, debugging, running and packaging of scalable web applications and services on Windows Azure.
Please note that this is a CTP release and should not be used on production systems. Please see the EULA for more details.
New for the July 2009 CTP:
- Support for developing and deploying services containing multiple web and worker roles. A service may contain zero or more web roles and zero or more worker roles with a minimum of one role of either type.
- New project creation dialog that supports creating Cloud Services with multiple web and worker roles.
- Ability to associate any ASP.NET Web Application project in a Cloud Service solution as a Web Role
- Support for building Cloud Services from TFS Build
- Enhanced robustness and stability
Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio includes:
- C# and VB Project Templates for creating a Cloud Service solution
- Tools to change the Service Role configuration
- Integrated local development via the Development Fabric and Development Storage services
- Debugging Cloud Service Roles running in the Development Fabric
- Building and packaging of Cloud Service Packages
- Browsing to the Azure Services Developer Portal
- SSL Certificate selection
- Jul 24 Fri 2009 22:12
Windows Azure Software Development Kit (July 2009 CTP)
The Windows Azure platform is an internet-scale cloud computing services platform hosted in Microsoft data centers. The Windows Azure platform, which provides a range of functionality to build applications that span from consumer Web to enterprise scenarios, includes a cloud services operating system and a set of developer services. Windows Azure, Microsoft SQL Azure and Microsoft .NET Services are the key components of the Windows Azure platform. Windows Azure provides developers on-demand compute and storage capabilities to host, scale, and manage web applications on the internet through Microsoft data centers.
Windows Azure is elastic, flexible, and interoperable. With Windows Azure developers can achieve high levels of service availability and application interoperability while maintaining freedom of choice.
The Windows Azure SDK provides developers with the tools and APIs needed to develop, deploy, and manage scalable services in Windows Azure.
New in the July 2009 CTP
- The Windows Azure SDK now supports developing and deploying services containing multiple web and worker roles.
- The new PowershellRole sample hosts the Powershell runtime within a Windows Azure role
- Jul 21 Tue 2009 09:05
微軟公佈 Windows Azure 的收費方式 - 每一小時 $0.12 美元
微軟於 7/14 公佈了 Windows Azure 的收費方式
Windows Azure 的收費方式 - 每一小時 $0.12 美元, 每天為 2.88 美元, 每個月為 86.4 美元, 每年為 1036.8 美元(這是還沒有任何折扣的價格)
Windows Azure:
· Compute = $0.12 / hour
· Storage = $0.15 / GB stored / month
· Storage Transactions = $0.01 / 10K
· Bandwidth = $0.10 in / $0.15 out / GB
SQL Azure:
· Web Edition – Up to 1 GB relational database = $9.99 / month
· Business Edition – Up to 10 GB relational database = $99.99 / month
· Bandwidth = $0.10 in / $0.15 out / GB
.Net Services:
· Messages = $0.15/100K message operations , including Service Bus messages and Access Control tokens
· Bandwidth = $0.10 in / $0.15 out / GB
- Jul 11 Sat 2009 16:20
Microsoft .NET Services SDK (July 2009 CTP)
This SDK includes API libraries, tools, samples, and documentation for building connected applications with the .NET platform. It spans the entire spectrum of today’s Internet applications – from rich connected applications with advanced connectivity requirements to Web-style applications that use simple protocols such as HTTP and Atom to communicate with the broadest possible range of clients.
- Mar 19 Thu 2009 09:11
Windows Azure Software Development Kit (March 2009 CTP)
2009 年三月份的 CTP 已提供下載囉!
New in March 2009 CTP
- Support for developing managed full trust applications. This includes support for calling native code via Platform Invocation Services (P/Invoke) and for spawning native processes.
- Support for developing FastCGI applications.
- Support for rewrite rules via IIS 7.0 URL Rewrite Module.
- Mar 19 Thu 2009 09:09
Windows Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio March 2009 CTP
2009 年三月份的 CTP 已提供下載囉!
New for the March 2009 CTP:
- Combined installer includes the Windows Azure SDK
- Addressed top customer bugs
- Native Debugging of Cloud Service Roles
- FastCGI Project Template
- Update Notifications of future releases