目前分類:Windows 7 (16)

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今天同事在 Windows 7 上開發程式,因為使用 Trascation 所以要啟用  MSDTC,

由於 Windows 7 的畫面與 Windows 2003 有所不同,整理如下:

1. 使用『管理者』啟動 命令提示字元


2. 執行 msdtc –install ,以安裝 MSDTC

3. 由『電腦』=>『管理』=> 『服務』=> 確定 DTC 已啟動



4. Control Panel => System and Security


的 Administrative Tools


到 Components Service


展開到 Local DTC 按右鍵『Properties』


到 『Security』Tab ,確定 相關的權限都有啟用及設定




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The Windows Driver Kit (WDK) Version 7.0.0 contains the tools, code samples, documentation, compilers, headers and libraries with which software developers create drivers for Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008, and Windows Server 2003. This development kit does not contain device drivers for your personal computer. If you are looking for drivers for your personal computer, go to Microsoft Update for downloads, or visit Windows Hardware Help for more information to find device drivers and hardware.

A working knowledge of C programming is necessary to use this kit to develop Windows drivers. For additional information about doing driver development, please go to Windows Developer Hardware Central.



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The Windows 7 Training Kit for Developers includes presentations, hands-on labs, and demos. This content is based on Windows 7 RTM and it is designed to help you learn how to build applications that are compatible with and shine on Windows 7 by utilizing key Windows 7 features such as:

    •     Taskbar
  •     Libraries
  •     Multi Touch
  •     Sensors and Location
  •     Ribbon
  •     Trigger Start Services
  •     Instrumentation and ETW
  •     Application Compatability

And Application Compatibility topics such as:

  •     Version Checking
  •     UAC Data Redirection
  •     Session 0 Isolation
  •     Installer Detection
  •     User Interface Privilege Isolation
  •     High DPI



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This document addresses late-breaking issues and information about the Windows® 7 operating system that are less critical than those reported in Release Notes: Important Issues in Windows 7 (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=150297). It serves as an overflow from that document if the number of issues discovered becomes excessive for one document. At this time, all known issues are reported in the release notes.


For a summary of updates, fixes, and by-design changes in Windows 7, see Miscellaneous Changes in Windows 7 (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=160338).



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登入 MSDN 訂閱,選擇 Operating System => Windows 7



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Windows 7 Has Been Released to Manufacturing


Windows Server 2008 R2 Reaches the RTM Milestone!



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Learn about version 5.5 of the Application Compatibility Toolkit including prerequisites, creating an inventory, analyzing compatibility data, and mitigating compatibility issues.



ACT 5.5 Tutorials

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Getting Started with Windows 7 Application Compatibility Handout

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The Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1: RC provides the documentation, samples, header files, libraries, and tools (including C++ compilers) that you need to develop applications to run on Windows 7 RC and the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. To build and run .NET Framework applications, you must have the corresponding version of the .NET Framework installed. This SDK is compatible with Visual Studio® 2008, including Visual Studio Express Editions, which are available free of charge.

Please see the Release Notes for the full list of supported platforms, compilers, and Visual Studio versions and any late breaking issues. For detailed information about the content in this SDK, including a description of new content, please see the Getting Started section in the documentation.




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Windows XP Mode for Windows 7 可讓您在 Windows 7 電腦上輕鬆安裝並執行許多 Windows XP 生產力應用程式。它使用包括 Windows Virtual PC 在內的虛擬化技術在 Windows 7 上提供 Virtual Windows XP 環境。
Windows XP Mode 在虛擬硬碟上提供預載的 32 位元 Windows XP 專業版 Service Pack 3 (SP3) 環境。用戶端虛擬化軟體(例如
Windows Virtual PC )是使用 Windows XP Mode 的必要條件。



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此套件可讓您從使用 Windows Virtual PC 的 Windows 7 電腦上執行許多 Windows Vista 生產力應用程式。此套件必須安裝在您的 Windows Vista 虛擬機器上。
如需 Windows Virtual PC 的詳細資訊,請瀏覽
Windows Virtual PC 網站



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Windows Virtual PC (Beta) 是最新的 Microsoft 虛擬化技術,讓您在 Windows 7 電腦上只要輕輕一按,就可以在虛擬 Windows 環境執行許多生產力應用程式。
如需 Windows Virtual PC 的詳細資訊,請瀏覽
Windows Virtual PC 網站
Windows Virtual PC 具有許多令人興奮的功能,其中包括:

  • 順暢的應用程式:從 Windows 7 桌面直接啟動安裝於虛擬機器上的應用程式,就像這些程式是安裝在 Windows 7 主機上一樣。
  • 簡化的使用者介面:易於使用的強化使用者介面;整合於 Windows 7 檔案總管中。
  • 整合的功能:允許在 Windows 7 和虛擬機器間共用剪貼簿、共用磁碟機及印表機重新導向。
  • USB 支援:使用者可以直接從虛擬機器使用連接於主機上的 USB 裝置。這些裝置包括印表機和掃描器、快閃記憶體、外接式硬碟、數位相機及其他裝置。

Windows Virtual PC 支援下列主機及客體作業系統
  • 主機: Windows 7 家用入門版、Windows 7 家用進階版、Windows 7 專業版、Windows 7 旗艦版、Windows 7 企業版。
  • 客體:Windows XP Service Pack 3 (SP3) 專業版、Windows Vista 企業版 Service Pack 1 (SP1)、Windows Vista 旗艦版 Service Pack 1 (SP1)、Windows 7 專業版、Windows 7 旗艦版、Windows 7 企業版。




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DirectAccess is a new feature in the Windows® 7 and Windows Server® 2008 R2 operating systems that enables remote users to securely access intranet shares, Web sites, and applications without connecting to a virtual private network (VPN). This paper contains an introduction to DirectAccess and instructions for setting up a test lab to demonstrate DirectAccess with a simulated Internet, intranet, and home network using the Release Candidate versions of Windows 7 and Window Server 2008 R2.




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The Windows platform has a broad ecosystem of products and partners that supports the platform. Displaying the Windows logo on your product represents a relationship and a shared commitment to quality between Microsoft and your company. Customers trust that seeing the Windows brand on your product ensures that it meets compatibility standards and performs well on the Windows platform.

The Windows 7 Software Logo program is made up of policies and requirements that help ensure logo’d applications are easy to install and reliable on PCs running Windows 7.

The purpose of this document is to outline the technical requirements and eligibility qualifications an application must meet in order to participate in the Windows 7 Client Software Logo Program.




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在 Windows 7 中,應用程式上方的功能列,都已使用像 Office 2007 的樣子,我們叫它做『Ribbon』

如 Windows 7 的筆記本 :


Windows 7 的 WordPad



如何開發 Windows Ribbon,目前有範例程式可以參考,下載位置放:



圖片取自 Windows 7 Beta 版。Enjoy.

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