目前分類:Hyper-V (4)

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“Here it is! Mitch Tulloch has updated his free ebook of last year. You can now download Understanding Microsoft Virtualization R2 Solutions in XPS format here and in PDF format here.

Six chapters adding up to 466 pages.



The chapters from the Table of Contents:

1. Why Virtualization?

2. Server Virtualization

3. Local Desktop Virtualization

4. Remote Desktop Virtualization

5. Virtualization Management

6. Cloud Computing

From the Introduction;

Welcome to Understanding Microsoft Virtualization R2 Solutions. This is the book for IT professionals who want to learn more about the latest Microsoft virtualization technologies, including Hyper-V and Remote Desktop Services in Windows Server 2008 R2, Microsoft Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, Microsoft Application Virtualization 4.5, Microsoft Enterprise Desktop Virtualization, Windows Virtual PC and Windows XP Mode, System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008, and Microsoft’s private and public cloud computing platforms including Windows Azure.

Who Is This Book For?
The primary target audience for this book is IT administrators, implementers, and decision makers of large and mid-sized organizations who want to learn about the benefits of the latest virtualization technologies and how to plan, implement, and manage virtual infrastructure  solutions based on these technologies. The book assumes that you are familiar with core Windows Server technologies and how to implement an Active Directory Domain Services infrastructure. The book also assumes you have experience working with the latest client and server versions of Windows, namely Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2. Finally, the book assumes you are already familiar with earlier Microsoft virtualization products such as Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 and Microsoft Virtual PC 2007.


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相信很多人都有使用 Windows 快速鍵的習慣,也就是用 Alt + Tab 來切換開啟的應用程式。
但若用在 Virutal Machine Connection 就失效了,網路上的善心人整理如下:

Windows Accelerator

Virtual Machine Connection Mapping




Switches to the security screen providing options to lock, switch user, change password, log off or run the Windows task manager.


Alt+Page Up

Switches between running desktop applications



Switches between running applications in launch order



Invokes the Windows Start menu



Switch Virtual Machine Connection Tool to and from full screen mode


Ctrl+Alt+Left Arrow

Releases the mouse and keyboard focus from the Virtual Machine Connection Tool.

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前一陣子為了要安裝一些 x64 版的應用程式來測試,所以便將筆記電型電腦安裝 Windows Server 2008 R2 RC x64 版,沒想到安裝完後,它可以抓到所有的硬體來使用,包含無線網卡,而且效能真是不錯。


筆者使用過 Virtual PC 2004、Virtual PC 2007、Virtual PC 2007 SP1、Windows Virutal PC等,目前覺得 Hyper-V 有很多新的功能不錯,像是 Snapshot 或是直接把 Snapshot 匯出成另一個新的 Virtual Machine等等。


用了一陣子後,想說有沒有比透過 Hyper-V 的管理畫面來啟啟 Virtual Machine 更快的方法?

PowerShell -對,就是 PowerShell。

將下列的指令存檔為 HyperV.ps1,


#override the default security behavior of the PowerShell engine
#Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

Param($operation, $servername)

if ($operation -eq 'start')
    $stateId = 2
elseif ($operation -eq 'save')
    $stateId = (32769)
{   "Unknown operation"
    $x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")

#Get a handle to the VM object
$VM = get-wmiobject -namespace root\virtualization -class Msvm_Computersystem -filter "ElementName = '$servername'"

#Set the state
$status = $VM.RequestStateChange($stateId)

#Are we already in this state?
if ($status.ReturnValue -eq 32775)
    "Already in this state"
    $x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")

#Wait for use to press key if it did not work successfully
#0 = Success; 4096 = Job Running
elseif (($status.ReturnValue -ne 0) -and ($status.ReturnValue -ne 4096))
    $x = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown")


開啟 PowerShell,

執行 Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

若執行 .\HyperV.ps1 start WIN7PROx64  => 啟動 WIN7PROx86 這個 Virtual Machine

若執行 .\HyperV.ps1 save WIN7PROx64  => 存儲 WIN7PROx86 這個 Virtual Machine


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This guide includes information about hardware requirements and limits, supported guest operating systems, and instructions for installing the role and management tools. It also includes information about configuring security, network, and storage for the Hyper-V role.



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