目前分類:Windows 8 (7)

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通過檢測可以拿到免費上架Token的登錄網站上線了: http://www.microsoft.com/taiwan/promo/metro-app/



1. 貴公司的程式有機會在 RTM 之前將程式上架到 Windows Store.

2. 此活動免費

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如果您是使用 Windows 7 安裝 Visual Studio 11 beta ,要開發 Metro Style App,那您會發現沒有 Metro Style Template 消失了,如下圖:


是的,因為目前的 Metro Style Template 是只有在 Windows 8 Consumer Preview+ Visual Studio 11 時才會出現。

也就是說,若是使用 Windows 7 或是 Windows Server 8 Beta 再安裝 Visual Studio 11 Beta 是沒有 Metro Style Template 的哦!


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  • Windows key – Brings up the Metro start screen. You can start typing to search for an app, just like the Win7 start menu.
  • Windows key + B – Switch to the (classic) Windows desktop and select the tray notification area.
  • Windows key + C – Brings up the Charms menu, where you can search, share, and change settings.
  • Windows key + D – Brings up the old Windows desktop.
  • Windows key + E – Launch Windows Explorer with Computer view displayed.
  • Windows key + F – Brings up the Metro File search screen.
  • Windows key + H – Opens the Metro Share panel.
  • Windows key + I – Opens the Settings panel, where you can change settings for the current app, change volume,

wireless networks, shut down, or adjust the brightness.

  • Windows key + J – Switches focus between snapped Metro applications.
  • Windows key + K – Opens the Devices panel (for connecting to a projector or some other device)
  • Windows key + L – Lock PC and return to Lock screen.
  • Windows key + M - Minimize all Windows on the desktop
  • Windows key + O – Locks device orientation.
  • Windows key + P - Choose between available displays.
  • Windows key + Q – Brings up the Metro App Search screen.
  • Windows key + R – Switch to the (classic) Windows desktop and display the Run box.
  • Windows key + U – Switch to the (classic) Windows desktop and launch the Ease of Access Center.
  • Windows key + V – Cycles through toasts.
  • Windows key + W – Brings up the Metro Settings search screen.
  • Windows key + X – Launch Start Menu.
  • Windows key + Y – Temporarily peek at the desktop.
  • Windows key + Z – Opens the App Bar for the current Metro application.
  • Windows key + Page Up / Down – Moves tiles to the left / right.
  • Windows key + Tab – Opens the Metro application switcher menu, switches between applications.
  • Windows key + , (comma) – Aero Peek at the desktop.
  • Windows key + . (period) – Snaps the current Metro application to one side of the screen. (Right side)
  • Windows key + Shift + . (period) – Snaps the current Metro application to the other side of the screen. (Left side)
  • Windows key + Space – Switch input language and keyboard layout.
  • Windows key + Shift + V – Cycles through toasts in reverse order.
  • Windows key + Enter – Launches Narrator
  • Windows key + Arrow Keys – Switch to the (classic) Windows desktop and enable Aero Snap


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  1. 1. Windows 8 Beta 時的 apps 需要一個 Windows Live ID 登入來下載
  2. 2. 開發者可以對 Apps 設定試用期間 1 天 ~ 無限
  3. 3. 可以從試用版直接付 $$ 變成正式版
  4. 4. In-app purchases 模式也支援的 (聽說現在這個模式很會賺 $$ )
  5. 5. 一個 app 可以安裝在 5 台電腦上, 第 6 台要將的話, 會將前 5 台其中一台換掉即可, 緦數不要超過 5 即可


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像是 WINKEY + I 就會出現是否要關機或是從開電腦的選項,一開始也找了一下.


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Windows 8 Build 8250.


Visual Studio 11 Beta


開始進行 Windows 8 App 修練.

Note:啟動 Visual Studio 11 Beta 時會要一組 Windows Live 帳號開啟 Windows 8 developer license.

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Windows 8 Consumer Preview 安裝的兩種方式:

1. Windows 8 Consumer Preview 安裝程式   



2. Windows 8 Consumer Preview ISO 映像檔   




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