目前分類:Live Framework (6)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

Ø 第一招:大量郵件一指搞定

· 收件匣中經常充滿大量電子報,雖然不常閱讀,但大量電子報往往埋沒了重要郵件。這時,可運用「刪除寄件者的所有郵件」,一秒鐘立刻將灰色郵件刪除。如無法馬上判斷資料去留與否,也可以另建子資料匣,透過「移動寄件者的所有郵件」,即可將電子報迅速收納在同一個資料夾。統計過去曾使用郵件整理功能的使用者中,有 90% 選擇「刪除寄件者的所有郵件」,且有 60% 的使用者開始設定規則「移動日後來自寄件者的所有郵件」,來有效管理大量灰色郵件,讓信箱井然有序。


Ø 第二招:歸檔收納設排程

您是否訂閱了眾多電子報,讓信箱總是被許多過時的信件塞滿呢?Hotmail 為消費者打造豐富便利的數位生活,面對資訊爆炸時代,更提供一個輕鬆管理的彙整平台,舉凡社交動向的更新、職缺通知電子報、拍賣購物的情報、團購網的最新優惠、旅遊好康的揪團資訊等,Hotmail 幫使用者輕輕鬆鬆管理個人化的豐富資訊!透過 Hotmail 「排程清理」功能,使用者可以自訂保留信件天數 ( 3 天、10 天、30 天或60 天),更可以設定將郵件自動分類到子資料匣。量身訂做的貼心服務,讓使用者不需花費時間清除過時訊息,重要資訊與好康優惠不漏接。在過去 3 個月,排程清理的使用率成長高達 70%受到全球 Hotmail 使用者的熱烈好評!

Ø 第三招:置頂標記關鍵郵件

Hotmail 可協助使用者標示重要信件,當使用者選取並標幟重要信件,就會出現在收信匣的最頂端,即使有新信件湧入也不會取代這些標記郵件的位置,讓重要信件一覽無遺,掌握關鍵資訊一目了然!


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The Live Framework Tools significantly decrease the time it takes to develop Mesh-enabled Web Applications in Visual Studio 2008.

The Live Framework Tools include:

  • Project templates for creating DHTML Mesh-enabled Web Applications and C# or VB Silverlight Mesh-enabled Web Applications
  • Building and packaging of Mesh-enabled Web Applications for deployment
  • Launching and debugging Mesh-enabled Web Applications hosted in the Live Desktop
  • IntelliSense completion for Live Framework assemblies and JavaScript files

The Live Framework Tools April CTP release includes several updates:

  • Installation of the Silverlight Tools, Live Framework SDK, and Live Framework Tools is accessed through a single installer.
  • Error messages and diagnostics have been improved. In most error situations when the server returns a failure code more information can be located in the application event log
  • A set of C# Code Snippets for accessing common Live Framework tasks are now accessible through the standard snippet mechanism. To see the available snippets right-click in a .cs file and select “insert snippet.”

This release also contains the cumulative updates from the January CTP:

  • Debugging or running a Mesh-enabled Web Application which contains no changes from previous versions immediately launches the application instead of re-uploading the files.
  • Mesh-enabled Web Applications created by the Live Framework Tools now have identical offers to those created through the Azure Services Developer Portal, which are generally less restrictive. This change removes the need for the workaround mentioned in this thread.
  • Projects created by the Live Framework Tools may now contain periods fixing the issue reported in this bug.
  • Changes to the application's logo.png file will now be reflected in the icon that appears on the Live Desktop fixing the issue reported in this thread.



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This SDK is for developing applications with the Live Framework April 2009 CTP. This SDK is also included as part of the Live Framework Tools download. 

This download will install the following:
 • API Toolkits: Programming libraries for use with the .NET Framework, Microsoft Silverlight and JavaScript
 • Code Samples and Snippets: See examples of how to use APIs
 • Resource Browser: – A handy tool to help you browse through all the Live Framework Resources

Note: If you have already installed Live Framework Tools April 2009 CTP – you don’t need to install SDK separately.

This SDK installs side-by-side with your Live Framework November 2008 CTP Release. April 2009 release of this SDK now installs in the following folder:
 • 32bit Windows: "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SDKs\Live Framework" folder.
 • 64bit Windows: "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft SDKs\Live Framework" folder.



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Live Search Mobile for Windows Mobile 6

Live Search app for Windows Mobile 6 devices. Quickly search for local businesses, get maps and directions, see latest traffic conditions, and even find local movie showtimes, wherever you are. Download now for your Windows Mobile 6 device.



Live Search Mobile for Windows Mobile 5.0

Live Search app for Windows Mobile 5.0 devices. Quickly search for local businesses, get maps and directions, see latest traffic conditions, and even find local movie showtimes, wherever you are. Download now for your Windows Mobile 5.0 device.



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This compressed file contains instructions and code samples for using Java with the 2.0 Beta version of the Live Search API. You can use these instructions and samples to create:


      • A console application that uses Java code to send a request to and process results from the API's SOAP interface
  • A console application that uses Java code to send a request to and process results from the API's XML interface
  • A console application that uses Java code and Java Server Pages to send a request to and process results from the API's XML interface
  • A console application that uses Java code and Servlets to send a request to and process results from the API's SOAP interface






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2009 年 1 月份 的 CTP (Community Technical Preview) 已提供下載


在安裝完後,即可從 Visual Studio 中看到多出『Mesh-enabled Web Application』及『Silverlight Mesh-enabled Web Application』兩個專案可以使用。如下圖:






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