We are pleased to present a technology preview of Deep Zoom Composer, a tool to allow the preparation of images for use with the Deep Zoom feature currently being previewed in Silverlight 3. The new Deep Zoom technology in Silverlight allows users to see images on the Web like they never have before. The smooth in-place zooming and panning that Deep Zoom allows is a true advancement and raises the bar on what image viewing should be. High resolution images need to be prepared for use with Deep Zoom and this tool allows the user to create Deep Zoom composition files that control the zooming experience and then export all the necessary files for deployment with Silverlight 3.



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1. WorkItem 節點下:


2. Reports 節點下:


3. Builds 節點下:


筆者使用的環境:Windows Server 2008 R2 RC + SQL 2008 + TFS 2010 Beta 1

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最近筆者將筆記型電腦安裝 Windows Server 2008 R2 的 RC 版,發現它對硬體的支援相當的好,連無線網卡都不用再額外安裝驅動程式,這點真的是蠻方便的。

唯一要做的動作即是將這個功能啟用即可,透過『Server Manager』的 Add Feature 安裝『Wireles LAN Service』,完成。如下圖:


畢竟這是 Server 的產品,預設下,很多 Server 平日用不到的功能都不會預裝,這點筆者覺得很合理。

Windows Server 2008 R2 RC 版的效能也是很不錯的,有興趣的朋友可以試試。

筆者使用的環境為 Windows Server 2008 R2 RC 7100 Build.


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Learn about version 5.5 of the Application Compatibility Toolkit including prerequisites, creating an inventory, analyzing compatibility data, and mitigating compatibility issues.



ACT 5.5 Tutorials

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Getting Started with Windows 7 Application Compatibility Handout

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這也是在專案上遇到的一個問題,目前可以對 DropDownList 控制項設定 Tooltip,但無法直接從 VS 的 IDE 屬性頁直接設定。

所以筆者用以下程式碼來對每一個項目加入 Tooltip:


for (int i = 0; i < yourDropDownList.Items.Count; i++)
   yourDropDownList.Items[i].Attributes.Add("title", yourDropDownList.Items[i].Text);


其效果就是滑鼠移到每一個項目上時,即會出現 Tooltip 的說明。



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加上我們整個專案是使用同一個 CSS 檔案,所以常會有交互影響的問題,可能將一個語言的問題解決了,但在其它的語言或其它的地方造成的一些副作用。



  (手動開啟 IE,再輸入 URL,再改為不同的 locale,再確認畫面是否正確)*N國語言*N功能






所以筆者想有何工具可以協助我方便又快速測試及確認 Web UI 的品質?最後,選擇使用 VSTS 2010 的測試工具,使用了其中的 Unit Test、Web Test 及 Coded UI Test。


筆者為何會選擇 VSTS 2010 呢?1. 筆者很熟這個工具 2. 操作很方便。



1. Unit Test: 用於操作資料庫,換句話說:做資料。模擬出想要的資料或是清除資料庫的測試資料。

2. Web Test: 用錄製操作的方式,及設定驗證條件,以確保資料輸入及輸出的正確性。但它不方便做畫面的確認及 Javascript 操作確認。

3. Coded UI Test: 這是 VSTS 2010 中全新的功能,也是用錄製操作的方式,也可以設定驗證條件,但與 Web Test 的最大不同是,它執行時,是真的開啟一個 IE,實際進行資料輸入,也就是會完整的將錄製的動作,重新的操作一次,可以看到整個操作過程。每次要做畫面的確認時,只要按按執行鍵,雙手就可休息,它自動重幫我操作,筆者只要用眼睛確認即可。



接下來,會再多介紹 Coded UI Test 的操作及運用。會多擷一些圖囉。敬請期待。

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Microsoft® Robotics Developer Studio 2008 R2 Standard Edition enables developers to create robotics applications targeting a wide range of scenarios.

Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio supports a broad set of robotics platforms by either running directly on the platform or controlling it from a Windows device through a communication channel such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth®.

In addition to providing support for Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio 2008 R2 Standard Edition provides a visual programming environment which allows developers to create applications simply by dragging and dropping components onto a canvas and wiring them together.

The powerful Visual Simulation Environment provides a high-fidelity simulation environment powered by NVIDIA™ PhysX™ engine for running game-quality 3D simulations with real-world physics interactions.

To help developers getting started, the studio contains extensive documentation and a large set of samples and tutorials that illustrate how to write applications ranging from simple "Hello Robot" to complex applications that simultaneously run on multiple robots.



RDS 2008 R2 Standard Upgrade

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The Microsoft® CCR and DSS Toolkit 2008 delivers a set of .NET and Compact Framework class libraries and tools that enable developers to better deal with the inherent complexities in creating loosely-coupled concurrent and distributed applications. The Toolkit is designed to help developers take advantage of the Concurrency and Coordination Runtime (CCR) and Decentralized Software Services (DSS) originally released as part of Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio. Microsoft CCR and DSS Toolkit 2008 targets early adopters by providing access to select technologies today; transitioning to Microsoft's .NET Framework in the future.



Toolkit 2008 R2

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Microsoft® Robotics Developer Studio 2008 R2 Express Edition enables hobbyists and non-professional developers to create robotics applications targeting a wide range of scenarios.

Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio supports a broad set of robotics platforms by either running directly on the platform or controlling it from a Windows device through a communication channel such as Wi-Fi or Bluetooth®.

In addition to providing support for Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft Robotics Developer Studio 2008 R2 Express Edition provides a visual programming environment which allows developers to create applications simply by dragging and dropping components onto a canvas and wiring them together.

The powerful Visual Simulation Environment provides a high-fidelity simulation environment powered by NVIDIA™ PhysX™ engine for running game-quality 3D simulations with real-world physics interactions.

To help developers getting started, the studio contains extensive documentation and a large set of samples and tutorials that illustrate how to write applications ranging from simple "Hello Robot" to complex applications that simultaneously run on multiple robots.



RDS 2008 R2 Express Edition

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