SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 (SP1) 現在已可供使用。

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如需有關 SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 的詳細資訊,請檢閱版本資訊



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免費認養 - 純種
免費認養 ~ 不認養也請幫忙轉寄,謝謝!
請大家幫忙轉寄~~ 板橋收容所爆滿了,
其中將近一半是純種的名種犬 ?
『期限』將至  (安樂死)
很多都是剛被主人放生出來的,就被抓到收容所 ,
跟你在寵物店看到的狗一樣漂亮 ,沒有差別!想領養的朋友,不用花錢去寵物店買,趕緊去看看吧!
現在所內有 :
米格魯 ( 公母皆有 ) 超過30隻
古代牧羊犬 (公)    1隻
牛頭梗 (公 )         1隻 (賤 ! 狗! ^^)
哈士奇 (公母皆有 )     約10隻
拉不拉多 (公母皆有 )  約20隻 (可魯)
想領養的朋友請直接前往 -
板橋市流浪動物收容所 !

„h 開放時間:週一至五 8:00~12:00、13:00~17:00 週六 8:00 至 12:00
„h 電話:(02)8966-2158
„h 地址:板橋市華東路1-9號(四川路二段130巷底)
„h 交通便利:
板南線新埔捷運站出口一,轉搭乘公車99 、藍16;812【亞東工專→南雅站】 245 副線、265紅線
„h clip_image002[4]

所謂的 「安樂死」非常緩慢痛苦,而且動物是集合一室,
一一挨針,前面的哀嚎、死成一堆,後者一目瞭 然!還沒打到針的,
-- 動物社會研究會,跟關懷生命協會有去調查,

clip_image003[4]拜託!不要遺棄我們我們是很可愛.很忠心的 我們會乖乖的...

anISV 發表在 痞客邦 留言(5) 人氣()

因為 Microsoft 對互通性所持續做出的承諾,Microsoft 發行了新 Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) 驅動程式。SQL Server JDBC Driver 2.0 下載提供給所有的 SQL Server 使用者,不收取任何額外的費用,並可提供從任何 Java 應用程式、應用程式伺服器或已啟用 Java 的 Applet 中存取 SQL Server 2000、SQL Server 2005 及 SQL Server 2008 的功能。這是 Type 4 JDBC 驅動程式,它可以透過 Java Platform (Enterprise Edition 5) 提供的標準 JDBC 應用程式介面 (API) 來提供資料庫連接。

這個版本的 JDBC Driver 符合 JDBC 4.0 標準,並可在 Java Development Kit (JDK) 5.0 版或更新版本上執行。已經針對所有主要的應用程式伺服器做過測試,包括 BEA WebLogic、IBM WebSphere 及 JBoss。




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The Live Search API SDK provides documentation that describes the core concepts, requirements, development guidelines, and class library for the Live Search API Web Service. The SDK also contains sample code that demonstrates application development techniques using the Live Search API.


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ASP.NET MVC 1.0 provides a new Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework on top of the existing ASP.NET 3.5 runtime. This means that developers can take advantage of the MVC design patterns to create their Web Applications which includes the ability to achieve and maintain a clear separation of concerns (the UI or view from the business and application logic and backend data), as well as facilitate test driven development (TDD). The ASP.NET MVC framework defines a specific pattern to the Web Application folder structure and provides a controller base-class to handle and process requests for “actions”. Developers can take advantage of the specific Visual Studio 2008 MVC templates within this release to create their Web applications, which includes the ability to select a specific Unit Test structure to accompany their Web Application development.


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The Microsoft® Silverlight™ 3 SDK contains online documentation, online samples, libraries and tools for developing Silverlight 3 applications.
Usage of the SDK is subject to the SDK License (included in the package).


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This package is an add-on for Visual Studio 2008 SP1 to provide tooling for Microsoft Silverlight 3. It can be installed on top of either Visual Studio 2008 SP1 or Visual Web Developer 2008 Express with SP1, and it provides a Silverlight project system for developing Silverlight applications using C# or Visual Basic.

This download will install the following:

  • Silverlight 3 developer runtime
  • Silverlight 3 software development kit
  • KB967143 for Visual Studio 2008 SP1
    KB967144 for Visual Web Developer 2008 Express with SP1
  • Silverlight 3 Tools for Visual Studio 2008 SP1
    Silverlight 3 Tools for Visual Web Developer 2008 Express with SP1

Silverlight 3 Tools for Visual Studio 2008 SP1 includes:

  • Visual Basic and C# Project templates
  • Intellisense and code generators for XAML
  • XAML design preview
  • Debugging of Silverlight applications
  • Remote debugging of Silverlight applications for Mac
  • Web reference support
  • WCF Templates
  • Team Build and command line build support
  • Support for cached transparent assemblies
  • Support for ASP.NET server integration


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Windows Internet Explorer 8 is Microsoft’s latest web browser. Unlike previous versions, Internet Explorer 8 renders content in the most standards-compliant way possible. This means that web pages will be displayed in Internet Explorer 8’s standards mode by default. Through product feedback channels, our users have indicated that, during the beta period, some websites may not have been compatible with Internet Explorer 8 in its default, standards-based mode. As a result, these domains have been added to a list of sites that, for the short-term, are most likely to be displayed better in Compatibility View. All Internet Explorer 8 users are given the choice to use this list, and the subset that chooses to do so will see each listed domain automatically displayed in Compatibility View, without additional user interaction or notice. The sites on this list have high traffic volume (in their regions), and having a compatible website ensures a significant number of Internet Explorer 8 users will have a great experience. This list will be periodically updated and automatically downloaded to Internet Explorer 8 users who have opted-in to use Compatibility View updates from Microsoft. For more information on Compatibility View list updates, please see - http://support.microsoft.com/kb/960321.


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Microsoft has now released the MultiPoint SDK 1.1— offering developers a more reliable and updated SDK experience, supporting newer technology platforms like Visual Studio 2008 and including enhanced support for technologies like Flash. The download includes tutorials, whitepapers and videos to help developers navigate the SDK and build applications.



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p想知道微軟在 ASP.NET 提供那些好用的元件來提升開發的生產用?/p pMSDN 提供相關的教學短片,讓大家方便的入門上手:/p pa title="http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-tw/dd547431.aspx" href="http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-tw/dd547431.aspx"http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-tw/dd547431.aspx/a/p pnbsp;/p pEnjoy./p

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